Webinar: ‘Conscious consumers and crustaceans: how to share your welfare story’

Catch up on our webinar: ‘Conscious consumers and crustaceans: how to share your welfare story’. The session focused on how seafood businesses can effectively communicate their decapod welfare policies to consumers.

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Industry Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Crabs, Lobsters, Crawfish and Nephrops

The UK seafood industry has published new welfare codes of practice in response to the legal recognition of decapod crustacean sentience.

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Company Case Study: Marks & Spencer

The first in a series of case studies highlighting company advancements in decapod crustacean welfare.

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Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Decapod Crustaceans in the Food Chain: from Capture to Killing

The purpose of these Codes of Practice is to provide a framework of good practice guidance for the treatment of decapod crustaceans used in the food chain.

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Sea-to-Plate: The welfare journey of decapod crustaceans

The Sea-to-Plate report reviews welfare compromises at each stage of the supply chain

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Policy Factsheet – Capture

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Policy Factsheet – Transport

Large numbers of decapod crustaceans are commercially transported every year – read a list of do’s and don’ts for transporting decapod crustaceans.

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Policy Factsheet – Mutilations

A quick look factsheet about decapod mutilation.

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Policy Factsheet – Slaughter and Killing

Decapod crustaceans must be slaughtered using methods that ensure instantaneous insensibility or death. This factsheet summarises the 8 most common industrial slaughter methods from a welfare perspective.

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Policy Factsheet – Stunning

Stunning crustaceans before slaughter is an important welfare standard for industry – read the facts around this important topic.

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Janssens 2021 – Animal business: An ethical exploration of corporate responsibility towards animals

Explore the worlds of business and animal ethics, and how they interact.

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Crump et al. 2022 – Sentience in decapod crustaceans: A general framework and review of the evidence

Review the evidence relating to decapod sentience using a novel framework developed specifically for evaluating invertebrates.

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